Friday 1 May 2015

Please Make Mobile Blogging Easy

Everything is moving into mobile devices nowadays. Blogging, naturally, should be on such platforms as well. Yes, we do have many apps, for example, which allow us to blog while we are on the move.

However, so far, I am finding blogging using my smartphone rather challenging. Perhaps, it is due to style I write and how I normally combine words and photos, to send my message across. The other issue is about formating, where the experience on my mobile device is different from when I am using my Mac at home.

Can't blogging be made easier on all these mobile devices? Perhaps, this is already 'old school' from the perspective of the apps developers. Given that people can express themselves through many social network platforms, blogging which leverages on the more traditional 'website' approach seems to be very old concept indeed.

I am using different platforms to reach different audiences with different messages. That's why blogging to me is still an important avenue to express my views. There is no limitation in terms of access although I tend to use social media to promote the articles I wrote.

Having the ability to blog from mobile devices is important given ideas can come when you are travelling or outside you home.

Well, I am just trying to blog while my family is enjoying their dinner, just to test whether the experience has changed.

Happy blogging.

1 comment:

Michael Tang said...

This is a greatt blog