Saturday 2 May 2020

Family Covid-19 Strategy

Many people look forward to the resumption of "normal" life come Monday. There are also people who are concern whether going back to normal would cause more infection of Covid-19.

The debate about "life vs livelihood" under the present circumstances is not limited to Malaysia only. It is a legitimate question, which one should take precedent or can we have both?

Realistically, the Covid-19 pandemic would be around for a while. While staying at home for the past 6 weeks had helped in breaking the chain of infection, many had also lost their income and livelihood shattered. We have no choice but to walk on the tightrope. We need to live with Covid-19 for a while.

Hence, each of us has to take responsibility to take care of ourself, our family and the society. This is where each family has to agree of its own Covid-19 strategy. What to do at home, when using public transport, when shopping and when coming back home? Need to work on the stock of face mask and hand sanitiser as we can't assume they will be provided. What about family activities such as during festivities? 

I trust by taking responsibility, we would be able to deal with both challenges, life and livelihood.